Guard Now

Disaster and Crime Response


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Disaster and Crime Response Security Guard Services
Hiring security guards for the aftermath of a natural disaster or to respond to crime is growing in demand. More and more frequently people are finding themselves faced with large-scale destruction whether it be a man made terror or a natural phenomenon.
Earthquakes, fires, floods, tornadoes, train wrecks, and riots are some of the problems people are facing alone.
While the city might be doing its best to help its not always there for all in need, and that’s where guardNOW private security guard services comes to help in times of crisis to prevent stealing, murder, or anything that would instill fear into the general population.
Whatever the reason, GuardNOW security during a disaster is required to protect both people and property.
In the Wake of Disasters we must stand by the Ones We Can Depend On
Many of our security guards and security officers are former members of the U.S. Military. After facing years of seeing national areas of disaster and turmoil, it was this group who rose up to stand for us as soldiers protecting our rights, freedoms and safety.
guardNOW Continues to Support and Protect Communities Affected by Disasters.
Sad but true, there are individuals who take advantage of crisis and disaster situations as an opportunity to begin to commit crimes, loot and vandalize the businesses and homes in their communities.
guardNOW is a proud partner of FEMA and Homeland Security as we work together to protect the homes and businesses across the nation.
Every year, disasters put millions of Americans in danger and destroy billions of dollars’ worth of property. GuardNOW is a part of a team dedicated to helping communities to reduce their risk, helping government emergency officials prepare for all hazards and dangers. GuardNOW coordinates operational and logistical disaster response capability needed to save and sustain lives, minimize suffering, and protect property in a timely and effective manner in communities that become overwhelmed by disasters.
In the Wake of Disasters we must stand by the Ones We Can Depend On
Recently our security guards responded to the hurricane sandy disaster in New York, where our guards were able to respond to a federal building and several small businesses who needed security guards at the facilities while there was a clean up crew working to restore the power and clean up the water. When there is a power outage that stops businesses from manufacturing goods, it can bring a toll on a business. There really should not be a reason to have a huge downtime, by having security guards at the scene of the disaster you will prevent and type of loss or theft and allow your operations to run smoothly.
Crime response is another crucial aspect of security services that we offer after a natural disaster. We find that some business have had theft occur or a business was broken into and all the doors are wide open. Our guards are able to stand guard and make sure that no unauthorized people are come to the facility and loot more of the store. Our Security guards can respond quickly and ensure that everything is taken care of so you can go back to your family and keep them protected and safe.
List of security guard duties when responding to a disaster or crime:
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